Medication Assisted Therapy: New Opportunities in the Era of an Opioid Crisis

Opioid use disorder is on the rise, despite the reduction of opioid prescriptions across the nation. Recent legislation has opened the door for NPs and PAs to prescribe lifesaving medications and provide access to this patient population. This session will look at the history of opioid use treatment—where we have been and where we are going. We will also look at each medication appropriate for the treatment of opioid use disorder, how to prescribe, safety information, and who each medication is appropriate for.

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Brett B. Snodgrass


Ms. Snodgrass has been a Family Nurse Practitioner for over a dozen years, practicing in multiple settings. She is the Palliative Medicine Clinical Coordinator for the Baptist Healthcare System in Memphis, TN. She is also the owner of BBS Health Education – where she creates and presents continuing education for healthcare providers, both live and online. She is a nationally recognized nurse practitioner speaker and teacher. She is an award-winning healthcare blogger – The NP Mom: Brett Is a chronic pain expert, working for more than 20 years with chronic pain patients in a variety of settings. She is board certified with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, where she is currently the TN State Representative. She is also a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Brett received the 2015 AANP State Excellence Award for Tennessee for her work across the state on the TN Chronic Pain Task Force, as well as advocating for TN Full Practice Authority for Nurse Practitioners. She was also awarded the 2017 Memphis Business Journal Healthcare Hero Award.

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